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Step 5

Running The Wiring

  1. All the parts are placed and secured in their designated location. 
  2. Connects the wires between the controller, throttle, brake levers, battery and motor.
  3. Usually the wires are marked with colors so pay attention to it and follow the installation guide. Also, some conversion kits include keyed connectors so you wouldn't have the possibility to even hook them wrong (pushing a wire too hard to the wrong place can cause it to be damaged, so don't exert too much pressure while connection the wires.)

  4. Tighten the wires. Don't stretch them too much, ensure that you have full range of motion with the handlebars after tying the wires.Use zip ties to secure the cables the cables and keep them from being loose and getting caught while you are riding. Remember to leave some slack at each zip tie.
  5. The wires need to be protected from rain as much as you possibly can. Double check that the connections are good and not exposed. A rubber cover for the wires connection can add a more protection from the rain.

    It is best to run all the wires into one place of the bike and tie them together in order to get a neat look and protected look. Usually the back of the bike is the place for this.

  • Step 1 - Make Sure Your Bike is Suitable for Conversion
  • Step 2 - Installing the motor
  • Step 3 - Installing the throttle, console and brakes
  • Step 4 - Installing and securing the battery pack and controller
  • Step 5 - Running The Wiring
  • Step 6 - Final adjustments and Safety considerations

Return from Step 5 - Running The Wiring to Electric Bike Kit

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